Gym Rules

Our gym rules have been established with the main factor being the SAFETY of all individuals utilizing our facility.

  • All participants must have on file a signed Registration Form, or if under the age of 18, have the waiver signed by a PARENT or LEGAL GUARDIAN before admittance to any Rogue Athletics activity will be permitted.   
  • Admittance to the gymnastics floor area is not permitted without a coach present.
  •  Before entering the floor area, please remove shoes and jewelry.  Socks should be removed if entering the pit. Athletics apparel is required.  Leotards, gym shorts, t-shirts, and sweats are permitted.  No shoes, jeans, belts, buttons or jewelry.  All personal items, including cell phones must be placed in a cubby or locker.  We are not responsible for any personal items.
  • Participants, accompanying adults, and visitors must follow all posted rules throughout the gym area.
  • Gym supervisors have the ultimate decision on interpretation and enforcement of gym rules and policies.
  • Following the safety rules on each piece of gymnastics equipment is required. Please use the equipment as it is intended. 
  • Never attempt to perform any skill on any piece of equipment, on the floor, or into the pit, which you do not have the necessary skills to execute properly.
  • Running can cause accidents, which leads to injuries.  Please walk at all times and be especially careful on the concrete floors and around any piece of gymnastics equipment.
  •  Limit of 1 person at a time on any equipment, unless under direct supervision of a coach.
  • The pit looks soft and fluffy but safety rules must be followed!  Watch carefully before entering the pit to make sure the area you plan to land in is clear of other people.  When entering the pit only land on your feet, back, or bottom, never your head or neck or in an arched position.  Do not push or throw people into the pit.  Never bury yourself in the pit as you could be jumped on, which could result in injury.  No tearing of the pit blocks.  Pit blocks are to remain in the pit at all times.  
  • One person at a time on the trampoline and tumbltrak.  Following the proper direction on the tumbltrak is essential for safety of the gymnasts.
  • Food, including candy, gum, and drinks, are allowed in our lobby area only, NEVER in the gym area.
  • Alcohol and smoking and open flames of any kind are prohibited on Rogue Athletics property.
  • No wrestling, tackling, fighting or roughhouse play is allowed.  
  • Profanity or any inappropriate language or verbal abuse is not allowed,
  • Use of this facility means acknowledgment of these rules. These rules are not all inclusive. The main concern of Rogue Athletics is the safety of our athletes. Therefore, Rogue Athletics reserves the right to limit the use of this facility to any person, which includes participants, accompanying adults, and visitors, deemed to be a threat to the safety of our athletes or coaches.
  • While precautions have been made to ensure a safe facility, you are entering and using the Gymnastics Plus facility at your own risk.


Always think SAFETY!

The following PIT rules have been established to allow everyone to
“explore the possibilities…experience the fun!”

  • Please be aware that the pit is hard to maneuver.  Keep that in mind before entering.
  • Always remove socks before entering the pit.  Objects in pockets may fall out.  We are not responsible for lost personal items.
  • Always check the pit before entering.  Do not enter the pit if other people are in your way.  
  • Enter the pit one at a time.
  • Always land in the pit.  If you miss the pit, it can’t keep you from getting injured.
  • Watch carefully when you jump to avoid hitting others already in the pit.
  • Always move out of the way immediately when other people are ready to enter the pit.
  • Use safe landing positions, feet, bottom, or back.  Never head first, chest, or stomach or in an arched position.
  • Flips are not allowed without a coach’s knowledge, consent, and presence.
  • Horseplay is not permitted.  Do not throw pit cubes at others.
  • Do not bury yourself or your friends under the pit cubes.
  • Do not tear the pit cubes.  This can cause pit dust.
  • Keep the pit cubes in the pit at all times.  Please replace any foam you see
    outside the pit.
  • Make sure the pit is fluffed before attempting any skill into the pit.
  • Re-fluff the pit regularly and whenever holes occur or the foam is packed down.
  • When climbing the rope, remember that you must climb all the way back down. Do not let go and fall into the pit from a high height as you may miss or land incorrectly and injure yourself.
  • Do not attempt to perform any skill into the pit that you do not have the necessary skills to execute properly.

Always think SAFETY!

The following Trampoline/Tumbltrak rules have been established to allow everyone to “explore the possibilities…experience the fun!”


  • One at a time, unless under the knowledge and direct supervision of a coach.
  • Always walk on and off of the trampoline, slowly and carefully.
  • Learn how to freeze and stop bouncing.
  • Maintain proper control while bouncing.  Stay in the middle of the trampoline while bouncing.  
  • If there is a waiting line for use of the trampoline, please limit your turn to no longer than 1 minute.
  • Follow the direction of the Tumbletrak set up by the supervising coach.
  • Wait for your turn on the Tumbltrak until the person in front of you has exited the landing mat.
  • Follow the directions of the Rod Floor set up by the supervising coach.
  • Wait for your turn on the Rod Floor until the person in front of you has exited the pit or the landing mat.
  • Exit the pit area safely and out of the way of entering athletes.

Always think SAFETY!